AMP Certificate Program: Molecular Laboratory Management and Reporting: A Short Course for Laboratory Professionals
This content was created in 2020, but has been reviewed and approved by the Training & Education Committee as useful, accurate, and relevant. Please note that in the time since this material was posted, there may have been additional developments, advancements, and/or more current publications in this field.
AMP Education is constantly updating our educational offerings, and will remove or replace content that is no longer accurate. Please be sure to use the search function to find related or updated material available in our catalogue at The Training and Education Committee works with AMP Education Programs to bring you the most up-to-date and cutting-edge information on molecular pathology research, applications, and training.
This webinar does not contain continuing education credit (CME and CMLE)
This AMP certificate program contains about 10 hours of lecture content, the associated pdf slides of the lectures, section pre-tests, a post-course exam, and an AMP Certificate of Completion.
While most molecular pathology professionals receive a deep foundation in science and clinical practice, there is still a critical need for training in laboratory management and the soft skills required for operational effectiveness. This certificate program will provide an overview of best practices in many areas of laboratory management and reporting and will be broken up into four sections:
I. Financial concepts for directing a laboratory
II. Regulatory aspects of molecular laboratory directorship
III. Key components of a high quality and high value laboratory operation
IV. Key components of a robust reporting structure
Each section contains a short pre-test to test your baseline knowledge of the content. It is then followed by presentations by subject matter experts. Some sections will include supplementary resources and tools, such as an ROI calculator spreadsheet, exercises in ethical considerations in molecular pathology, a validation outline template, a reading list, and many more. These talks, documents, and exercises will help you navigate the challenges inherent in laboratory management.
The last section will cover molecular test result reporting which will act as a capstone for the series and will include example report templates, a molecular in my pocket card and a summary talk by the content director.
A final post-test will test your knowledge of the content covered in the program and you can showcase your knowledge by printing the AMP Certificate of Completion.
Target Audience: Laboratory directors, trainees, managers, supervisors, and technologists, other practicing molecular pathologists, and other practicing non-molecular pathologists.
Duration: ~10 hours
Learning Objectives:
- Describe best practices for managing and maintaining the various components of a laboratory budget.
- Describe the fundamentals of, and recent changes in, molecular test reimbursement.
- Identify the various regulatory agencies and core requirements, including international requirements.
- Discuss strategies to meet regulatory and medical standards for assay validation, implementation and routine performance.
- Describe effective communication of molecular testing results, including ethical considerations.
- Identify tools for test result reporting and interpretation that impact patient management.
AMP Certificate Program Launched: August 1, 2020
AMP Certificate of Completion Credit available: 10 hrs
Topics Covered in Certificate Program: For a detailed outline, click here.
Watch the excerpt from the welcome message from the content director.
Erin Graf, PhD, D(ABMM) Content Director |
Gabriel Bien-Wilner, MD, PhD | Aaron D. Bossler, MD, PhD | Ana Maria Cardenas, PhD |
Zandra Deans, PhD | Laurel Glaser, MD, PhD | Margaret L. Gulley, MD | Noah G. Hoffman, MD, PhD |
Patrick C. Mathias, MD, PhD | Joseph Milano, MBA | Victoria M. Pratt, PhD | Jacquelyn Roth, PhD |
Anthony N. Sireci, MD | Lauren B. Smith, MD | Lorinda A. Soma, MD | Cecilia S. Yeung, MD |
This certificate program was planned and coordinated by the Content Director
Erin Graf, PhD D(ABMM); Content Director Mayo Clinic Arizona |
Special thanks to Kevin Alby, PhD, D(ABMM) for spearheading the project. Thanks also to all who contributed to the project including Sophie Arbefeville, MD, and to the AMP Training & Education Committee for their support and careful review.
Supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca and by an educational grant from Lilly (for further information concerning Lilly grant funding visit, which had no control over its content. No personally-identifiable information regarding you is provided to any grant supporters.
This webinar does not contain continuing education credit (CME and CMLE)
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